Privacy Notice
The purpose of this privacy notice is to ensure personal data processed by GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD is done so in a lawful, fair and transparent way in relation to the data subject and that individuals are well informed about the collection and use of their personal data.
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD is a limited company registered in England under company number 13649926. Our registered office is 12 Emperor Crescent, Northampton, United Kingdom, NN4 9FA.
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD is registered with the Information Commissioners Office as a data controller (ICO) with number ZB298604. Memory Maponga, Managing Director is the nominated data protection officer and can be contacted on
We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England.
What is personal data?
Personal data is another way to describe personal information. It is any information that is about you that allows you to be identified. Personal data covers simple information such as your name, email, phone number, but can also include details such as reference numbers, location and other identifiers used by computers.
What information do we collect about you?
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD may collect the following personal information about you:
- Basic information such as name, date of birth, address, phone number and email – contact data
- Financial information such as how your care is paid for and any past payments made –financial data
- Information about you and your family such as your next of kin, your partner or spouse, children and how to get in touch with them – third party data
- Information about your preferences, likes, dislikes, hobbies and interests – service user data
- Visual images such as copies of identification and photographs of you;
- Information we receive from other sources such as GPs social workers and other healthcare professionals;
- Dates and times of visits that your family have made to you;
- Letters we have sent to your family about you.
- Information about how you use our website or other technology including IP addresses or other device information – technical data
- Any enquiries you have made with us / printed newsletters, brochures, telephone, email, social media, intranet, staff communications – marketing data
Collecting sensitive data about you
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD may also need to collect some information about you which is particularly sensitive. This type of information is called special category personal data whereby the law states that we can only collect and use this kind of information for very specific legal reasons, such as providing your care or supporting other organisations with their enquiries such as safeguarding or the police.
Types of special category personal data that GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD may collect and use:
- Information about your heath that is used to provide you with appropriate care and treatment
- Information about your views and beliefs
- Information about your cultural identity
- Information about your relationships
- Information that is about who you are
We may also need to collect your data from other people such as:
- Disclosing information to an appropriate regulator to inform them of
- Certain incidents as required under the law;
- Communicating with you such as responding to emails or calls etc
- Disclosing information to your employer should your behaviour fail to meet
- Acceptable standards
- Disclosing information to a Coroner, the Police or Safeguarding where they need to conduct a formal investigation;
- Supplying you with information by email and/or post that you have opted into (you may opt out at any time by contacting us).
Legal reasons for obtaining and using your personal information.
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD must have a legal reason to collect and use your information. We will use different reasons, depending upon its purpose. This must be explained to you when, or as soon as possible after, we collect your information, or when it is given to us by someone else.
- The reasons we use are:
- To comply with our legal obligations with regards to health and safety;
- To protect your life in an emergency;
- To act in the public interest;
- To fulfil GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD accepted interests;
- We have your permission to use your information.
Where GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD must use information that is particularly sensitive, we must have additional legal reasons to collect and use your information. These are:
- In order to protect the health and safety of everyone, including you;
- In order to protect your life when you cannot give permission;
- In order to act in a significant public interest, such as safeguarding;
- In order to allow fairness in legal matters;
- We have explicit consent to use your information
Sharing your personal information
On occasions, GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD may be asked to give your personal information or need to collect it from other organisations. These can include:
- Your current or previous employer
- Local authorities or Clinical Commissioning Groups;
- National regulators;
- Your Doctor;
- The Emergency services.
Any companies we employ who use your personal information are responsible to you through legal agreements with GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD around Data Protection such as:
- Care Quality Commission (England)
- Disclosure & Barring Service (England & Wales)
- Health & Safety Executive
- Information Commissioners Office
- NHS England
- TV licencing
- Organisations with a function of auditing/ administering funds for the purpose of detection and prevention of fraud
Do you have to consent to the use and sharing of information?
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD will only seek consent/permission to collect, use and share your personal information where you have freedom of choice about how your information is used, such as when you are completing a survey or questionnaire.
Where you do not have such freedom over how your information is used, we will use a different legal reason to collect, use and store your information.
If you decide not to provide us with your information, this can make it difficult for the Company to assist you during your interactions with us.
How We use Information
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD will be legally required to share certain personal information with a third party by law, and sometimes without your knowledge. For example, we are required by law to tell the care regulators if certain incidents have happened. We will always look to provide this information in a way that reduces any risks to your privacy, but this is not always possible.
Your Rights under Data Protection
Under the law, you have certain rights in relation to your personal information and whereby GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD must:
- Respond to your request within one calendar month (unless extended);
- Respond in a plain and clear language;
- Be sure as to your identity;
- Provide the information free of charge (unless it is repeated )
- Tell you why we are unable to comply with your request;
- Protect the rights of other individuals. In summary:
- The right to know how your information is used
- The right to obtain copies of your information under a subject access request
- The right to correct inaccurate information
- The right to delete your information ( note this right does not apply where GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD are under a legal obligation to retain your information, there is a public interest in retaining your information, we need to retain your information for public health purposes, or we need to retain your information in case of future legal claims).
- The right to limit the use of your information
- Additional rights around being able to transfer your information to another organisation and around a system making automated decisions about you.
- GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD does not currently make any automated decisions about you.
Please contact us if you would like to exercise any of your rights by writing to:
Data Protection Officer, GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD, 12 Emperor Crescent, Northampton, United Kingdom, NN4 9FA or email
How long do we keep your personal data?
Personal information that we are no longer using is kept securely only for as long as it is needed, or is required by law, before being safely destroyed.
For all data submitted to us via our website, we will keep your details for a period of 6 months from the date of submission. Upon expiry of that period, your data will be automatically anonymised.
Data security
We apply high security standards to the information we handle (including personal data) to prevent information from being accidentally lost, or used, accessed or disclosed in an unauthorised way. These measures include the use of technology and other precautions such as the control of access to our services, offices and systems.
Social media
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD uses social media such as Facebook to keep families and the public up to date with what is going on in our service. We will never use photographs of service users, families or staff without seeking explicit consent to do so.
If you have any concerns about the way which we are using your personal information, please contact the GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD DPO on
A further option to register a complaint is via the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or ICO, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Third party links and cookies
Our website includes links to third party sites and applications such as the Care Quality Commission. Clicking links may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. You should read other statements on other websites carefully.
We also operate cookies on our website which are used to analyse how people view our information. This information is coded data and does include any personal information that could identify you.
Analytics cookies allow us to track the use and performance of our website and services.
Privacy review
GLENLORNE CARE AND SUPPORT LTD reserves the right to update and amend any of the policy content in line with changes to our business or any regulatory changes which inform our practice.